Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pullman Kitchen: a euphemism

So we moved 2 weeks ago. And along with packing boxes, donating things we haven't worn or used in over a year, and the general craziness that comes with moving, there were a lot of goodbyes. To Magnolia Bakery, to my favorite spot in Central Park, to short walks to Lincoln Center. And maybe most importantly, to my perfect Delonghi stove. It was just last August that the kitchen renovation in our west side apartment was essentially completed.

And now it's a little like being back at square one. Maybe even square negative one, since the west side apartment actually had, you know, a real kitchen. And not just a "Pullman Kitchen" (aka hole in the wall with some appliances thrown in).

But I'm not really complaining, because even though this is the stove I have to work with right now ...

... we have an awesome Fisher-Paykel ordered and waiting to be delivered as soon as we demo the current area.
We also have a pretty great contractor who designed a unit to go around the fridge in the corner opposite the kitchen area. Stay tuned as demolition starts, cabinetry goes in, and the fridge gets super cool panels to match!

ps: I haven't gotten up the nerve to try to bake anything in that silly little white oven, but I hear it is possible. I will be sure to let you know if I'm feeling adventurous.

1 comment:

  1. Is that the right corner for the refrigerator? By the way, while watching HGTV this weekend, I notice they installed a 'murphy table' in a basement/den & it looked pretty nice.....just thinking! JMR
