Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Camp Tweedale

(photo from http://www.insidecamps.com/review/camp-tweedale-1384.html

I have never used this blog as a means of garnering support for a cause. I envisioned it as a place to share recipes and that is best done when the mood is light. But a few days ago I heard devastating news. The Council that runs the Girl Scouts of Eastern PA (formerly FVSGC) has decided to close Camp Tweedale.

This is the only camp that serves girls living in Chester and Delaware counties and is also pretty close to girls in Lancaster and Philadelphia. I spent every childhood summer at this camp, starting at the age of 5, and then worked there in the kitchen as soon as I was old enough.

I realize that girls can make memories anywhere. And that my emotional attachment to Camp Tweedale is personal. But closing this camp is a disservice to the local girls. Chester County is one of the most populous counties in Eastern PA; girls will now have to drive over an hour to access a Camp for weekend troop camping and summer sleep away camp. 78% of Girl Scouts in Eastern PA are Daisies and Brownies (5-7 years old). I think it is unrealistic to think that parents will send these young girls so far away for resident camping. This decision is wrong and we think there is still time to change it! Please take a moment to sign our petition and let GSEPA know that closing Camp Tweedale is a mistake.


  1. Emily: I was shocked when I first heard! We don't want Council to get away with doing this in secret, so we're trying to get the word out. Please tell everyone you know.
